Leonardo Fernández Otaño



    Leonardo Fernández Otaño graduated in 2010 from the University of Havana with a degree in Religious Sciences from the Rafael Cepeda Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, affiliated with the Evangelical Seminary of Matanzas. He also holds a Master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies on Latin America and the Caribbean from the University of Havana and did postgraduate work on the challenges of writing from the social sciences in Cuba, at the Juan Marinello Cultural Research Institute, Cuba. He has a Diploma in Humanism and Society from the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile; in Theology from the San Esteban de Salamanca, Spain, and in “Linguistic and cultural mediation in public communication” from the University of Havana, Cuba. He is a volunteer in the Sacred Heart Camps project in rural areaso f the of Sancti-Spíritus province, working with children in conflict situations within the framework of the Hand in Hand for Life Project sponsored by the Sacred Heart of Jesús in the municipalities of Lanús and Ituzaingo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an animator with the Astral King Project, focused on accompanying adolescents in vulnerable situations at the Loyola Center. He has carried out research and teaching and is a historical advisor to the theater group Perséfone Teatro.