Rainer Hernández
    (Havana Cuba, 1999)

    Rainer Hernández is an actor and announcer. He is currently studying Physical Culture at the Universidad Manuel Fajardo. He works as a radio announcer for a youth magazine for the city of Havana. He began in radio in 2017 as a host of the Radio Habana station in Old Havana. In 2019 he joined the Olga Alonso amateur theater group under the direction of Humberto Rodríguez.

    In January 2021, he began working with the independent group Perséfone Teatro under the direction of Adonis Milan in the solo show Leaves of Grass, inspired by texts from the collection of poems by the American poet Walt Whitman. The show premiered in May 2021. He continues to work with Perséfone Teatro, and recently did a chapter of the 2nd installment of the Spoon River Video-Monologue Series, based on the poetry book Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters.


    Lecturas en tiempo with Perséfone Teatro 1: Rainer Hernández