Missión Raíz
    (Havana, 1973)

    Mission Raíz founded the spoken word duo Profundo in 2001, thus initiating the Spoken Word Movement in Cuba where he participated in the Havana International Hip-Hop Festival 2001 and in December 2002, he became part of the Almendares Vivo Cultural-Ecological Project, led by singer-songwriter Gerardo Alfonso, as an artistic producer, where he worked until July 2004, gaining experiences in the field of creation, production and design, and in the organization of concerts and multimedia events.

    He was founder and executive director of Proyecto Con Las Manos, a cultural hip-hop organization in Cuba, restructured upon his return from London, England in 2010 with the mission of community development and promotion of hip-hop culture, with the purpose of expanding opportunities for education and knowledge, quality creation and artistic development. He founded La PoesiCo Conexión, the first collective of spoken word artists in Cuba in 2006-2007. President and creator of the Puente Internacional de Artistas de la Poesía Hablada (International Bridge of Spoken Poetry Artists) inaugurated on May 29, 2008 at the UNEAC in the 13th Havana International Poetry Festival dedicated to poetry from Asia and native languages.


    Lecturas en tiempo with MC Mission Raíz