Sussette Cordero Sotero
    (Havana Cuba, 1982)

    Sussette Cordero Sotero has a degree in education and library sciences. She is a poet, narrator and editor. She attended the Centro de Formación Literaria Onelio Jorge Cardoso. She was on staff at Esquife, and a member of the Hermanos Saíz Association. She won an international poetry prize from Ediciones Lamás Médula (Argentina, 2013); honorable mention in the international poetry contest El mundo lleva alas. Her published poetry collections are Arar la sombra (Neo Club Press, USA) and Yo maté a Marilyn Monroe (Samarcanda, Madrid). Some of her work has been published in anthologies in Cuba, Argentina, Spain and the United States. She collaborates with digital journalism and currently works as a publicist.


    Lecturas en tiempo with Sussette Cordero Sotero