Julio Llopiz Casal
    (Havana Cuba, 1984)

    Julio Llopiz Casal is a visual artist who works with photography, video, design, performance, installation and writing. With a degree in Art History from the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the Universidad de La Habana (2011), he has also been involved in several interdisciplinary projects: Between 2013 and 2016 he created and managed La Fracción, a project of conceptual art and experimental graphics in Cuban Art News. He was also behind the Revista de la Vagancia en Cuba: an independent literary fanzine that he and the writer Santiago Díaz M. coordinated between 2015 and 2018. He currently writes the column “Con c minúscula” in Hypermedia magazine. His most recent group shows have been: “Cada forma en el espacio es una forma de tiempo que se escapa” (Dagoberto Rodríguez Studio. Madrid, Spain); “Conexiones” (Factoría Habana, Cuba) and “Landlord Colors: On Art, Economy and Materiality” (Cranbrook Art Museum. Detroit, USA).


    Lecturas en tiempo with Julio Llopiz Casal