Jorge Olivera Castillo
    (Havana Cuba, 1961)

    Jorge Olivera Castillo is a journalist, writer, and musician. He has published six poetry chapbooks and two short story collections. His work has been translated into English, French, Czech, Polish and Italian. He directed the press agency Sindical Press. He was a fellow at Harvard University (2016–2017) and Brown University (2017–2018). President of the Club of Writers and Artists of Cuba. He won the National Prize for Independent Literature in Cuba (2014), and the Gastón Baquero, awarded by the Vista Larga Foundation, Miami. He is a former prisoner of conscience from the Group of 75. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison in the spring of 2003 for directing the independent news agency Habana Press. He was released on extra-penal leave after serving 21 months behind bars, 8 in solitary confinement. He has been a member of the pro-democracy movement since March 1993.


    Lecturas en tiempo with Jorge Olivera Castillo